Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ken Koshio in summer gigs in Japan 2013

Friday, August 9 (8月9日)
Imaike, Nagoya  Little Vilage リトルビレッジ  7:30pm start ,  3000 yen
performed by Ken Koshio, Yutaka Sadoyama 佐渡山豊, Kenichi Uesaka さかうえけんいち
location : 名古屋市千種区内山3-6-14 山八第二ビル 1-D
phone# : 052-732-7216
any qustions :

Saturday, August 10 (8月10日)
Tsu, Mie Marumi-suisan  丸三水産 3pm start, 3000 yen
performed by Ken Koshio, Yutaka Sadoyama, Kenichi Sakaue etc

location : 三重県津市河芸町中別帆2333−1河芸漁港近く
any questions : 090-6074-6143  (gasuri kurume)

Sunday, August 11(8月11日)
Bashamichi,  Yokohama  Indian Flute live show  7pm ~ 9pm,  3000 yen
location: 横浜市中区南仲町4−43 横浜馬車道大津ビル地下1F 
any questions : Jackie Yamauchi 090-8859-2709, 

Friday, September 13  ( 9月13日)
Imaike, Nagoya, The Bottom Line ボトムライン
7:30pm start, 3500 yen
"Rock'n roll can never die"

performed by Ken Koshio, and his old soul friends 
phone #052-741-1620 ボトムライン
any questions:

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